Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Conversations We've Had

It’s been a while since I’ve posted. I’m not sure how people with kids blog on a regular basis. Around Thanksgiving Quino stopped sleeping for 12 hours a night and I’ve been running on fumes! LOL! As a result, we haven’t had anything exciting happen so I’ll just share snippets of conversations we’ve had over the past couple of months.
Me: I’m seeing Dr.Romulan
Greggars:  It’s Dr.Rammel
Me: That’s too hard to say, I can’t say it
Greggars: Try! Dr.Rammel
Me: Dr. Romulan
Then there was the one night where I exploded because Greggars tends to not put the diapers in the diaper pail. He felt bad and sat on the floor (he was sick) and started putting the diapers in the pail. Then in a moment of sleep deprived anger, I opened Quino’s door and threw a diaper in Greggar’s general direction. Since I wasn’t aiming for him it hit him square in the chest. He was not appreciative.
*I did apologize two minutes later after God pointed out that that was an incredibly nasty thing to do!
A few nights ago, Quino woke up around 3am. This is the conversation I had with myself.
Me: I’m gonna wait fifteen minutes and see if he goes back to sleep <Counts to 15 seconds> Ok, fifteen minutes, time to get  him!
The things one thinks when sleep deprived
4am, Quino’s crying
Greggars: I’ll get him
Me: No, I got it
We both fall back asleep
Greggars: we’re almost out of wipes
Me: Did you look behind the bins in his nightstand
Greggars: Yes, that’s how I know we’re almost out
<Later that night>
Me: (happens to glance behind bins and see a brand new pack of wipes) GREGGARS!
Greggars: I bought the baby food like you asked
Me: Let me see! Awwwhhhhh, bananas! Where are the other jars?
Greggars: I only bought the one
Me: How is one jar supposed to last until next week?
Greggars: I don’t know, I’ve never done this before!