Saturday, February 9, 2013

Growing up, Superbowl, and a New Car

Me: Quino's awake, we need to get up
Greggars: I don't want to get up, I'm a Toys R' Us kid
Me: That's "grow up" not "get up"

(later that week)
Greggars: I want to grow up, I'm a Toys R' Us kid!
Me: It's I DON'T want to grow up
Greggars: oh yeah


Missionary: Who's winning the Super Bowl?
Me: The purple team is beating the hot dogs.


Raqi: Your car stinks today
Me: Yeah I know, it rained. Rain always makes it stinky
Raqi: You need a new car
Me: I'd LOVE to get a new car every time this one doesn't meet your standards but it's not that easy
Raqi: Dad got a new car
Me: -___-

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