Monday, January 2, 2012

What I’ve learned this year

New Years is such an exciting time. I love setting goals for the next year and reflecting on things that I’ve learned from the past year. I’d like to share with you what I’ve learned this year.
1) We teach people how to treat us.
                Gone are the days of allowing people to walk all over me. I now am more open with others. I express my feelings and opinions. When people can’t treat me with respect, then I spend less time with them. No one is ever entitled to mistreat me. This does not entitle me to be mean to others, but it does allow me to stand up for myself, my family, and my parenting style.
2) Change takes time
                This has been a difficult but important principle for me to learn. I want change to occur immediately. After years of not exercising, I immediately want to be consistent at it. I get frustrated with myself when Quino goes through a growth spurt and I barely have the energy to cook dinner. So I remind myself, change takes time. It allows me to be more patient with myself; it gives me room to err. It also reminds me that, even though it does take time, I have to be actively working towards change.
3) Set small reasonable goals
                Having Quino in my life has been one of the most rewarding experiences ever! It is also the most draining. I have big plans and dreams for how our house will look, be organized and run. This often leads to disappointment, because Quino is only 5 months old and is still very needy. Whenever I get discouraged, I look at my goals and I change them. There is nothing wrong with small, reasonable goals. They allow me to do bare minimum some days without feeling like a failure. Other days I can go above and beyond and feel like a champion! Either way, I feel successful
This has been a year of great change for our little family, some hard and some good. What matters most is that we strive to learn from our mistakes and become better people. We surround ourselves with things and people that uplift us. We show love and compassion to others. We continually grow and improve as a family. I’m grateful for what I’ve learned in 2011 and I’m grateful for a new year with new opportunities, joys and learning experiences.
Happy New Year from Feathers and Quino!


  1. Here's an old one that you will remember and I tell it to myself. My attitude determines my altitude. Small positive steps, I love it!

  2. Love this blog post. <3

  3. Hi!!! It's Haley Jolley; I just happened to go to facebook for the first time in months and saw that you have a blog, yay. :) So I hope you don't mind me reading/commenting...
    You're such a good little mother, and seem so confident and natural as a mother, and basically in anything else I've ever seen you do. Seriously.
    I read your post about feeling overwhelmed, tired, not eating till the afternoon, and I truly feel your pain! It seems to happen to everyone, when you have a newborn and they just won't stop crying and your one wish is to eat a meal and sleep! But it does get easier, and hopefully it has gotten a bit easier as he's gotten older.
    By the way, you remember at the ward party when you said "Quino," and Hunter immediately started yelling, "Quino! Quino!" ? Well he STILL will suddenly remember it and shout it out at random times, like 2 in the morning when the neighbors woke him up, or when I'm driving and he wants to give me a heart attack. Just thought you'd like to know, Hunter still remembers you guys. :) And so do we!
    Good luck to Greg in school! (he is in school again, right? or is he off-track?)

    Your New Years goals inspired me. And your quotes about conversations with Greg are HILARIOUS, bahaha!

  4. Oh Hayley, so sorry Hunter is torturing you with my child's name. However, it has made me laugh off and on all day today! LOL! We're off track, are you moving soon?
    Thanks for the compliments. I was taught to "fake it til you make it"! LOL
